Stop Personnel, Product Falls From Openings in Pick Modules With ...
Working in pick modules or shelving within rack-supported platforms, associates can be three to four levels above the floor — vastly higher than the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standard 1910.29 requirement for fall protection of any opening higher ...
Guard These Areas Above The Warehouse Floor To Protect Personnel
To increase the amount of usable space in an existing facility, operations often elect to look up — adding a variety of equipment, structures, and systems overhead. Yet, as we know from Sir Isaac Newton, what goes up, must come ...
Two Options For Securing The Ledges Of Multi-Deep Pallet Flow ...
High volume picking operations often deploy pick modules to maximize their productive square footage. By feeding two to four pallets of product on rails equipped with rollers that rest upon the rack structure’s decking, these multi-deep pallet flow lanes allow ...