Adding An Ergonomic Vacuum Lifter To A Food, Pharmaceutical, Or ...
Manually handling loads in food and beverage, pharmaceutical, or clean room applications can put tremendous ergonomic strain on an operator. Even employees who are in excellent shape will become more fatigued and less productive after several hours of performing the ...
Handle Unusual, Hard-To-Grip Loads With Ergonomic Vacuum Lifters
Not every load has the uniform shape, sturdy construction, durable surface, flat sides, or continuous rigidity required for it to be successfully lifted by an ergonomic workstation crane and hoist outfitted with a mechanical lifting device such as a clamp, ...
Safety Training Best Practices Reduce Risk Of Worker Injuries
Nearly every warehouse and distribution center touts “safety first” as an operational mandate; yet some operations have better safety records than others. With the Bureau of Labor Statistics noting that annual warehouse fatalities doubled between 2015 and 2017, and warehouse ...
Ergonomic, Safe Workplaces Enhance Productivity Of Workforce
Warehouse operations, manufacturing facilities and distribution centers that invest in ergonomically designed technologies and training to help workers safely perform physical tasks will improve both their wellbeing and overall productivity. That’s because anywhere from a third to half of all ...
Avoid These Three Common Ergonomics Mistakes
Even as operations are adding more automation and technologies that free personnel from redundant or repetitive work, manual material handling tasks remain. An emphasis on safety and proper ergonomics — as well as investing in ergonomic equipment that supports safe ...
Your Operation’s Productivity Isn’t As High As You’d Like? Consider ...
If your operation’s throughput isn’t as high as you think it should be, or your workers aren’t as productive as you expect, perhaps some ergonomic adjustments are in order. That’s because the science of ergonomics aims not only to remove ...
How Proper Lighting Increases Productivity And Employee Wellbeing
Ergonomics is most often associated with physical tasks, with many operations recognizing that repetitive, manual motions or improper lifting of heavy objects can cause worker injuries. Yet lighting — ambient, overhead, natural, and task — is a significant contributor to ...
Why Every Ergonomic Workstation Is Customized
There’s a reason why a multitude of options and accessories are offered for equipping an ergonomic workstation: no two operations or processes are the same. Likewise, no two associates are the same either. That’s why, when specifying a workstation to ...
Taking The Guesswork Out Of Lifting And Moving
While all workplace movements related to physical stress and injuries likely cannot be prevented, many of the body strains associated with these activities can be significantly reduced. This can be accomplished by changing work design, utilizing equipment designed for ergonomics, ...
Easing The Pain Of Worker Strain In Manufacturing
When it comes to ergonomic solutions in a manufacturing environment, numerous options exist for easing the physical strain on workers. Although the work being performed can vary greatly depending on the location in the plant and the operation required, some ...